Friday, June 08, 2007

Random Thoughts

I'm at that point right now where I can't think of anything to blog about. I thought I'd throw out some random thoughts.

First, I think I figured out the 'health reason' for which Paris Hilton was released from prison. They were sick of her.

Secondly, Cal Thomas recently wrote an editorial attacking the religious convictions of several of the Democratic nominees. Thomas, of course, regular supports the religious convictions of people within his own, Republican party. He makes an observation that Barack Obama made the statement, "I am my brother's keeper." It was a reference to Genesis after Cain kills Abel. God asks of Cain the whereabouts of Abel and Cain responds, "Am I my brother's keeper?" From that point on much of the Bible gives a definitive answer of 'yes' to this question. But Thomas makes the statement that Obama is ignorant of the Bible (though Obama nailed the meaning of the passage) and that this was some sort of a Biblical statement that people ought to be on welfare and such. Huh? Thomas, of course, is a model Christian who supports torture. When the Cal Thomas' of the world are making theological observations and critiques of other people's theological positions we ought to all run for cover.

I hear people ponder with the question, "Can you imagine how bad it would have been if Al Gore had been elected President?"

I wonder.

The Clinton Administration had made following and tracking Bin Laden their priority. Is it possible that intelligence reports would have been seen and 9/11 been prevented? In fairness this is a true 'what if?' kind of question, but it has to make you wonder.

When Clinton left office there was a huge budget surplus. Now it's a major deficit. Gore would have probably continued the policies of the Clinton Administration.

Would the oil companies have been able to gouge people as much as they have?

I strong doubt we'd be fighting a war in Iraq.

It has to make you wonder.

Finally, the Mets have lost 4 in a row. That's what happens when I get excited and post a blog about my team. They have gone 1 and 5 since I posted that. In 1986 the Mets won the World Series and the Giants season ended with a Super Bowl victory. Foolishly I kept watching sports after such a great year. What a fool I am!

1 comment:

Christopher D said...

Off subject, but the work on the lot next to St. Marks was a wonderful sight to see!
Please feel free to let me know if there is any gardening help to be done after a I have a brief recovery!