Friday, July 27, 2007


I have a new here. Her name is Mika Brzezinski. She works for NBC News and appears (doing the news) on Morning Joe on MSNBC. Mika Brzezinski is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski who worked as the National Security Adviser during the Carter Administration. She is a journalist who takes the news seriously. She grew up in a serious home, and is a serious journalist.

Last month, when she was called on to do the news the lead story was the release of Paris Hilton from prison. She crumbled the top pages of the lead story and refused to do it. She moved on to the next story which was, actually, a significant piece of news.

In the next hour, after refusing to lead with this story, the producers of the show gave her the news stories and they again led with the Paris Hilton prison release story. This time she walked across the studio and put the story in the shredder. Then she went on to give the real news.

I say this because here are some of the major news stories right now.

There is further evidence of a dramatic cover up in the case of Pat Tillman. The cover up was worse than previously thought.

The war, of course, continues.

The FBI Director's testimony directly contradicted what the Attorney Journal said.

Obama and Clinton are having a major feud and their rhetoric has grown increasingly ugly.

The stock market plunged 300 points yesterday.

Baseball, football, and basketball, the three largest sports in the United States are all dealing with major scandals.

The lead story today was about Lindsay Lohan.

We need more journalists like Mika Brzezinski.


John Gonder said...

Mr. Manzo:

And we need more pastors like you.

I think having Dr. Brezinski as a father would tend to point one in a rather serious direction. Too serious for my taste, but it is great to hear that, thankfully, not everyone has thrown in with the fluff mongers. I usually passed right over the Imus broadcast but will now have to tune in to see this rarity on television-someone with a brain and the courage to show it.
As I wrote that it struck me as so pitiful that the media that informs us, and therefore breathes life into our democracy, has been reduced to such vapidity. But, in truth, that is the only situation that could explain Bush/Cheney.

The New Albanian said...

When every aspect of life is defined by the relationship between seller and buyer, vapidity is what happens.