Thursday, November 15, 2007

God and Country

On Tuesday when I went to see the President I became rather angry at something.

I wasn't a protester or an admirer. I was simply an American citizen who wanted to see the President. I was surrounded by people holding signs, many quietly, and people holding signs and shouting. For the most part, the vast majority of the people were respectful of the fact that we were all Americans and people disagreed with each other. In many ways, it was a microcosm of the nation.

But then I got annoyed. Some folks who supported the President began shouting at those who don't, "God and country." The presumption was this. The people who don't support President Bush are not people of faith and they are not patriotic Americans. This does seem to be a prevailing MYTH and I'm, frankly, annoyed by it.

Here's some reality. Do I support the war on terror?

I absolutely support the war on terror and I want what is best for our troops. I believe that we had to go into Afghanistan as it was the center of the Taliban activities and a refuge for the terrorist. My biggest issue with invading Iraq was the it was and is a diversion on the real war on terror. We had Iraq well contained and they were not a threat to us. Frankly, I'm more concerned with Iran, Syria, and North Korea. And we, military, are not in a position to make any major responses. It is insulting when people insinuate that people who are opposed to the war in Iraq are not patriotic or do not want what is best for the United States. It is also wrong.

Secondly, I was not aware that God belonged to any political party or endorsed any political party. I was unaware that God stands next to George W. Bush or any person and says that unless you support this person, you are no supporter of mine.

Many people who call themselves 'liberals' attend church each week. They pray, they read their Bibles, and some of them have actually become clergy who are trying to dedicate their lives in the service of God.

Do I believe in God and Country? You bet. And to suggest otherwise is not only insulting, it is a despicable lie.


Ceece said...


G Coyle said...

well said John and thanks. Living in the bible belt is a challenge for those of us who prefer our politics and religion in separate spheres.