Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Expanding One's Vocabulary

Every time I read a blog and headlines or main points are made by using the words 'liberal' or 'conservative' I snort and wonder if people who do this really think that they can or ought to be taken seriously.

The two words have some major difficulties.

First, they attempt to make complexity simple. When you simply use a one word label you are, in essence, trying to reduce a complex discussion down to a one word issue. When I hear someone use these terms as an argument, I read, "I am too ignorant to discuss serious and complex issues." Frankly, I don't bother. If people need to live with their labels, let them. Don't presume I will even bother to engage much dialogue, however.

Secondly, it is dangerous. It presumes that there are two sides to every issue and every story. Heck, one often hears this. Buildings don't have two sides and neither do most issues other than, "Would you like fries with that?"

Thirdly, the words have been rendered meaningless by overuse and too much hot air around them. People tend to define them by what they mean by them as opposed to anything else. I've heard people who call themselves conservatives debate as to who is more conservative, me or you. I've also people who defined themselves as liberal debate who is more liberal. Frankly, these debates strike me as little more than who in the room can produce the loudest flatulence.

We live, sadly, in a culture that lacks the ability to have serious dialogue. If people could learn to expand their vocabulary, we might be able to actually do so. As for me, when you throw these words out there please know that at least one person in the room is no longer taking you seriously. Serious discussions require serious people and label throwers are simply not serious people no matter how much they attempt to posture themselves to be so.

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